Welcome to Hi7. This is a space dedicated to people passionate about Volunteer programs, willing to invest part of their time and resources to change the reality of someone's life, bringing hope and transformation wherever they go.
Our Services
Conheça a nossa história
Hi7 nasceu como iniciativa de uma parceria entre a Pró Reitoria de Desenvolvimento Espiritual e Comunitário do Centro Universitário Adventista em Hortolândia (UNASP-Ht, o antigo IASP) e a Comunidade da Igreja do Campus. Seu propósito é desenvolver atividades de impacto social, e despertar, principalmente nos jovens alunos e ex-alunos da Instituição, o desejo de contribuir com seus talentos, tempo e recursos, para transformar a realidade das pessoas com as quais fazem contato.
A escolha do nome tem a seguinte explicação:
O H, simboliza a Esperança (Hope) que buscamos levar a todos aqueles com quem fazemos contato.
O i, agrega ao mesmo tempo as tecnologias de que dispomos para encurtar distâncias, abrir conexões, conectar pessoas, e que, somado ao H, traduz o nosso jeito despojado e amigo de te dizer Oi (Hi), posso ajudar?
O 7 que completa nossa marca, faz conexão com a história da escola e da comunidade adventista do 7o. dia que a compõe, mas também remete aos 7 passos que adotamos para alcançar nossos objetivos, completando nosso Slogan -
Esperança em 7 passos (Hope in 7 Steps)
E a escolha do domínio .life representa o legado que pretendemos deixar por por onde passamos.
Hi7 - Hope in 7 Steps
Welcome to Pastoral!
We are the Hi7 team responsible for pastoral care at UNASP - Campus Hortolândia.
Here is a place of welcome, friendship, counseling, Bible learning and spiritual development.
We are available to help you on your spiritual journey and offer support in all areas of your life.
Join us and experience a transformed life!
Our team
Patrick Ferreira
Henrique Zanin
Moisés Sanches Jr.
Director of Spiritual Development - UNASP Ht
University Pastoral - Unasp Ht
Counselor Professor - Volunteering and Discipleship
Patrick Ferreira
Rafael Cunha
Euáleff Bruno Santana Silva
Rafael Accorsi
Director of Spiritual Development - UNASP Ht
Director of the Volunteer and Mission Program - UNASP Ht
University Pastoral - Unasp Ht
Counselor Professor - Volunteering and Discipleship
Carlos André Moyano Santos
Professor Conselheiro Educação Básica e Núcleo de Missões
Why not dedicate a piece of your vacation to helping people deep in the Amazon jungle? Participate!!!
Do you want to dedicate a piece of your vacation to helping a missionary school in the interior of Chile? Participate!!!
Do you want to dedicate a piece of your vacation to meeting new friends and helping people in Chile? Participate!!!
Last news
Hi7 at UNASP-Ht College
Hi7 Team launches the High School Volunteer Program and invites students to get involved in the mission of helping people and sharing hope!
Celebra Missão - 2019
16 de Agosto de 2019
Grupos de Voluntariado e Missão dos 3 Campi do UNASP se encontram em São Paulo para Celebrar as Missões.
Mission Santiago - 2019
july - 8 - 21
A group of 20 volunteers, made up of students, former students, teachers and friends from the UNASP-Ht community, and 35 students from the Adventist school of Las Condes, carried out a Mission Calebe project in the community of Renca, in Santiago. The project included holding a Christian holiday school for children in the community, a school for parents, visits and help to needy families in the region, a health fair and community services such as cleaning squares and revitalizing streets and houses, and recovering the headquarters. of friends from the Renca neighborhood. The project has the support of the local Adventist community, city hall and Renca neighborhood society.
"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see"